With identical twins, one egg (zygote) from the mother is fertilized by one sperm from the father, and then very early in development the embryo splits and two fetuses grow. Spontaneous division of the zygote into two embryos is not considered& ...
fraternal twins fetal development
Identical twins are also called monozygotic, because they develop from a single fertilized egg. When the fertilized egg first begins dividing, it forms 2 separate embryos within the same fetal sac. Most often, they share the same& ...
Does anyone have any research on what the best gestation for fraternal twins is? I know you can find research to support any theory but was interested to know if any studies have been done on this. Obviously assuming you& ...
Folic acid is vital to Baby`s development in the first few weeks. Foods high ... The possibility of multiples occurs if two eggs are released and fertilized (fraternal twins) or if the fertilized egg splits into two (identical twins). Want to& ...
With identical twins, one egg (zygote) from the mother is fertilized by one sperm from the father, and then very early in development the embryo splits and two fetuses grow. Spontaneous division of the zygote into two embryos is not considered& ...
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